DF9TW - German Ham Radio Station
I became interested in SWL and Ham Radio in 1987 as a doctoral student of chemistry at the University of Kaiserslautern, when I bought a Yaesu FRG 8800 shortwave receiver and spent many hours listening to sw broadcast stations and the ham bands. After graduating from University, there had been first my profession as a chemist and hobbies as amateur astonomy and programming web applications in PERL. Then in 2013 I rediscover my interest in ham radio and in October 2013 I have passed the amateur radio examinaton and got the ticket for Class E and the callsign DO9ZY. In May 2017 i have upgraded to Class A and the new Call DF9TW (Training Call DN6TW).
I am a member of ARRL (American Radio Relay League) and DARC (Deutscher Amateur Radio Cub) with the local group DOK K09 (1st chairman) and similarly a member of the European PSK Club, Belgium Digital Modes Club , Croatian Digital Group, Digital Modes Club, Natal Digital Group and European ROS Club.
Mostly active in PSK, equipment: MacBook Air, microHAM USB III interface, Fldigi 4.0.18 running on Mac OS X 10.13.. I love rag chewing and chasing DX. But i use also Phone to catch DX Stations.
The Link below is my QRZ.com Webpage.